Credit Union Leagues
“Real-world information presented with humor, energy and style!”

Jean’s Credit Union League Clients Are Talking!
“The standing ovation you received says it all. It’s rare to find a speaker who can speak to managers, support staff AND volunteers. You always get everyone involved, excited, and eager to learn. I’ve worked with you for many years and you always do a great job for us.”
Mississippi Credit Union System
“Are you sitting down? Once again you were among our most highly rated speakers at our annual meeting. Even though you’ve spoken for the past four years, our attendees continue to be your faithful followers. Jean, you are always a hit!”
Alabama Credit Union League
“It’s hard to get good attendance at a Saturday seminar, and by the time lunch is over, the room is usually bare. But with you there – Goodness, gracious, great balls of fire – what a day! You really know how to grab onto and hold an audience. Your energy and enthusiasm flowed through everyone. Monday morning people were calling my office asking when you were coming back.”
Utah League of Credit Unions
“Tom McWilliams was right. You hit the mark with everyone at our Summer Summit – employees, volunteers and managers. I appreciate your style and versatility!”
Iowa Credit Union League
“Attendee ratings at both our Management Conference and Annual Meeting were so complimentary of your style and your message. Your cooperation and flexibility made my job easier. I would happily rave about you to other CUL education directors.”
Kentucky Credit Union League
“A superb job! You received the highest ratings of all our convention speakers.”
Arkansas Credit Union League
“Your blend of humor and information made for a fun, fast paced, interesting and inspirational program. Participants rated you as one of our best speakers… ever.”
Maine Credit Union League
“Your leadership conference session rated 3.98 out of 4. You can’t get much better than that!
Texas Credit Union League
“I haven’t met too many speakers of your caliber who work so hard to help us pull off a great meeting. Everyone took home an overflow of ideas and inspiration.”
South Dakota Credit Union League
“The evaluation forms echo the positive comments from our League staff. Everyone learned a lot and enjoyed themselves along the way. Thank you for another superb job!”
North Dakota Credit Union League
“What a fantastic job! Your professionalism and enthusiasm, and all the extras you provided made our Mountain Regional Roundtable the most memorable one yet.”
Wyoming Credit Union League and Affiliates
“Attendee comments included: ‘Jean knows what goes on in credit unions. She really did her homework. Very informative; a real eye opener. Jean made this day memorable and enjoyable. Bring her back!’ Thanks, Jean, for an outstanding job.”
Oklahoma Credit Union League Affiliates
“The material you presented on enhancing leadership skills and developing teams provided immediate help for participants in both their personal and professional lives. Your sessions generated very positive comments and very apparent enthusiasm.”
South Carolina Credit Union League
“I received comments like ‘Best ever!’ and ‘Great job!’ from participants at our annual meeting. Thanks for an outstanding job!”
Louisiana Credit Union League
“Both of your sessions were the most popular – and most highly rated – of the entire conference. I was impressed with your preparation and the time you spent getting to know our needs.”
Credit Union Managers Association
Jean’s Credit Union Clients:
Credit Union Managers Association
Education Credit Union Council
Mississippi Credit Union Association
West Virginia Credit Union League
Alabama Credit Union League
Utah League of Credit Unions
Iowa Credit Union League
Kentucky Credit Union League
Arkansas Credit Union League
Maine Credit Union League
Texas Credit Union League
South Dakota Credit Union League
North Dakota Credit Union League
Wyoming Credit Union League and Affiliates
Oklahoma Credit Union League Affiliates
South Carolina Credit Union League
Louisiana Credit Union League
Numerous individual credit unions across the US
Contact Info
Want to talk with Jean about your upcoming event? Interested in checking date availability?
Jean Gatz, CSP
phone: 225.907.4138

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